Happy Tuesday!


I look at this picture in awe of how lucky I am to be married to my best friend. I know that not everybody gets that and I believe it's so important to have a connection with your partner that goes beyond physical attraction. 

One of the first thing's I noticed about Zach when we started talking was how he was interested in actually having conversations with me as opposed to just being focused on my looks. It was wonderful. 

Still after five years, we are still in love with each other and still love being able to have conversations with each other. 

We still find ourselves talking for hours with each other about everything and then sometimes about nothing. 

That is what we should be looking for in our future partners/spouses. Being able to talk with those people. If you are going to spend the rest of your life with this person, your life isn't going to be all fun and games and it certainly isn't about sex. 

You need to be able to talk to your spouse/partner about anything and everything in your life. You will be sharing everything with this person. It will be greatly more difficult if you aren't able to talk to them. 

I shared a post on Facebook where it said 

"Make men masculine again. 

Make women feminine again. 

Make children innocent again.

Make America one under God."

I cannot even share how many harsh responses I got from this post. I shared it without saying a single word myself and many of my friends are in agreeance with the post and then a couple ladies in particular got sooo offended about that as they believed it was a dig against women and their freedoms. 

Well, I have a few things to address and I think this is the perfect post for it. 

I am a woman. I am for the most part, a tomboy except for the few exceptions where I feel girly and feminine. I wore a dress the other day that I hadn't worn since I was pregnant with Augustus and I felt so attractive in that dress. Most days I am wearing pants or shorts. I am not a huge dress or skirt person. Does that make me any less a woman? Definitely not. I can still be a woman and be feminine without wearing dresses or being all girly. 

I have NEVER been feminine. Now, in the world that we're currently navigating through, the world would tell you that by being a tomboy that I must be in the "wrong body" and that I must be a man actually instead of a woman.. 

That is such false thinking and I am so sad for those who do believe that. We are teaching our children the wrong type of belief. Just because I am a tomboy doesn't mean I am meant to be a man or God would've made me a man. Smh. 

My happy place is at the barnyard where our Ellie is boarded. Being able to be outside with the fresh air as well as being around all the horses. It's my favorite place. Does that mean I am any less a woman? Heck no! 

We need to STOP telling our children that just because they like something that it means they are in the wrong body. That is a horrifying thought. As a parent, I would be terrified if anybody would suggest that my child wasn't a boy because he has a purple outfit or two. Like c'mon. What are we trying to accomplish? 

Why are we trying to confuse our children? Anybody who knows children knows that they are so curious and innocent as well as easily influenced. Why are we teaching about transgenderism/LGBTQ in schools? Don't get me wrong, I have my own beliefs on both of those subjects but it should be kept away from children. They don't need to think about these things. 

Why are we teaching our children about people's sexual CHOICES in life? It makes no sense to me. Children are SO easily confused and influenced. They don't need adult matters in their brains. 

Why are we shoving adult opinions and adult things into the faces of our children? Children are innocent. Let's leave them innocent as long as we can. This world is harmful enough without us adding to it. 

I find it interesting how many of the comments on this post were supportive while others were accusing it of being controlling and being unable to be free to do what you want. 

I am a woman, I am married and yet I don't have to do certain things or wear certain things because of that. 

I posted a meme talking about being around your kids 24/7 and having ZERO complaints. I received many comments and a lot of them were positive but one comment stood out because the lady was addressing how her neighbor tried homeschooling her kids and how they "were not" able to socialize. 

I find this is the biggest comment that is made about homeschooling families and children who are homeschooled. 

I cannot even bring into words how much I hate that that is what people believe about children who are homeschooled. 

I was homeschooled my whole life and I have held two jobs successfully and have no issues socializing. I have amazing friends and had plenty of opportunities to socialize when I was growing up and being homeschooled. 

There is no issues with my socialization skills or ability to have a job like people have suggested. It's horrible to think that's what people believe homeschooled children are like. 

I think the issue I have with it is that people don't actually ask what it's like. They don't talk to parents who homeschool or kids who have been homeschooled and see what it's like. They assume... 

Today's message. Don't judge a book by it's cover. There is so much more to people than just the cover. 



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